Venture Stories podcast features Ike Lasater
Venture Stories host Erik Torenberg recently interviewed Ike about his "story," as well as perspectives on NVC.
“It Pays To Listen,” Smart Manager Magazine
I’m pleased to share “It Pays To Listen,” which I wrote for the February issue of Indias’s Smart Manager Magazine. Teams are where business is done. Whether it is a team within one department, an interdepartmental group, or a team that includes outside parties such as contractors or clients, it is people working together that creates success. Yet, not all teams are effective. Some groups seem to gel and work together effortlessly, whereas for others, strife and struggle seem to be the norm, with work progressing in fits and starts. Why the difference? What makes an effective team, and more important, how can you and your employees learn to create teams…
Team Effectiveness Workshops
I’ve just returned from a 5-week trip to Asia, where I facilitated workshops in Seoul, Tapei, Guangzhou, and Beijing all focused on building effective teams in the workplace. Participants came from small-, mid- and large-sized companies. My primary focus going forward is to continue developing and leading trainings focused on teams, and plans are in the works for more workshops here in the United States, as well as Europe and Asia. If you are interested in a custom workshop for your team, please contact me at ikelasater AT me DOT com For further reading on this topic, I suggest you check out My 2010 book, Words That Work in Business: A Practical Guide to…
When Your Mind Sabotages Your Dreams
When your Mind Sabotages Your Dreams: Turning Your Critical Internal Voices into Collaborative Allies by Ike Lasater, John Kinyon, & Julie Stiles is now available for purchase at Amazon in paperback and e-book form. It is the latest in the Mediate Your Life series, A Guide to Removing Barriers to Communication.